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Asthma Challenge Badge

For schools and youth groups

BreathChamps has designed an asthma challenge badge that teaches children and young people about asthma and encourages them to look out for and support people around them who have asthma.

Designed alongside South Lancashire County Girl Guides, it is ideal for schools, Brownies and Cubs looking for a meaningful activity.













Over a series of 2-3 weeks, the young people work towards attaining their badge.

Activities include:

  • Make a model lung with an old plastic bottle

  • Darth Vader takes his inhaler all wrong! Help him learn the correct inhaler technique.

  • Why does Mr Sidebottom sneeze and wheeze 16 times a day?

How we developed this badge

The District Commissioner and Brown Owl of 11th Walkden St Edmunds Brownies in Salford is the aunt of a 15-year-old young person who sadly had a fatal asthma attack. She found out about BreathChamps after we visited the school he attended to do an asthma-themed school assembly. BreathChamps’ founder Heather Henry, a registered nurse who experienced severe childhood asthma, was invited to this group on 3 occasions between September and December 2019 to lead some fun activities, such as making a model lung and participating in an asthma themed puppet show. This small experiment showed that the Brownies could learn, remember and share asthma knowledge. They also said that they had a lot of fun and really enjoyed themselves!


Then, the County Commissioner of Lancashire South County Girlguiding invited us to do some further testing with Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers.


We now have a well tested pack of activities that  young people really love to do.


Sponsored by an educational grant from Trudell Medical UK

Want your young people to
learn about asthma in a fun way?

You can buy our asthma challenge pack and run your own asthma challenges. Just head to our online shop.

You can also get a free  overview of the pack - just contact us by clicking below

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